You may do this project with one partner, but both of you must submit the required assignment.
In class we will download, compile and clean the state campaign finance reports of House Speaker Tim Moore. Now, on your own do the same for one of the following state legislative leaders:
- Sen. Phil Berger
- Sen. Harry Brown
- Rep. Paul Stam
- Rep. Mike Hager
- Sen. Jerry Tillman
- Sen. Louis Pate
- Rep. Larry Hall
- Sen. Dan Blue
- Sen. Terry Van Duyn
- Rep. Susan Fisher
Write down each step you take to clean the data, even the ones that don’t work. From that, write or video record a quick recipe for how you cleaned the data so that another reporter can replicate the processes efficiently. Post the recipe (including the reasons you did what you did) to your blog. Link from your blog post to the audit trail as a Google Doc and to the cleaned contribution and expenditure data as a Google Sheet.